The drawing of the Raffle - Barbra Hogben, Lynne Heathcote, Cherly Hogarth and Lachie.
Felted vessel made by Sue Evens - won by Audrey Bradbley
Glass tumblers, made by James Dobson, donated by the Northern Branch - won by Sandra. J.
Cushion and throw made by various guild members - won by Fay Poke.
Stole, made by Lynne Heathcote - won by Di McPherson.
Felted purse, made by Sandra Hughes - won by Ann Ryden.
Felted scarf, made by Sandra Hughes - won by Marguerite.
Scissor keeper, made by Margaret Barlow - won by Doris Banks.
Silk Scarf, made by Janet Brundle - won by Di Kearney.